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County staff is estimating a budget deficit of $18 million for the next fiscal year, though not all the information was available at the second of three budget workshops before budget hearings in June.Social Services, which served about 40,000 county residents last year, had not submitted its request for funds. The CEO’s office expects it to be about $3 million, though salaries and benefits are down by about a million. Currently, the combined amount of money all the departments are asking for from the General Fund is $94 million.While the estimated $18 million deficit does include the expectation of the roughly $3 million from Social Services, it does not include the Capital Improvement Plan, and it assumes no additional General Fund appropriations.The CEO’s office has recommendations to offset between $2.5 and $4.1 million, including using some of the county retirement reserve and adjusting the CalFire dispatch budget.Supervisor Ted Williams asked if the board could see the actual amounts that departments have spent over the last year. CEO Darcie Antle told him she could provide that information at the budget workshop on May 7, but Izen Locatelli, the chief probation officer, warned of the pitfalls of building a budget based on actuals…
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    Native American leaders have long complained about a lack of public safety in tribal communities. Now a judge and a lawmaker are narrowing their focus on a longstanding jurisdictional arrangement that they say hinders effective law enforcement on reservations. Lauren Schmitt of KMUD news reports.
  • Local News
    At a preliminary budget workshop last week, the Board of Supervisors heard that, at this point, there does not appear to be a way to balance the county budget. Revenue is stagnant, and expenses have gone up.
  • Local News
    The salmon fishery is closed for the second year in a row, but some agencies and fishermen think there’s reason to expect better next year. This is only the second time the fishery has been closed for two consecutive years, with the last back-to-back disaster taking place in 2008-09.Lauren Schmitt of KMUD news reports.
  • Local News
    Advocates for a ceasefire in Gaza lined up last week to ask the Board of Supervisors for a ceasefire resolution. And Mendocino Railway spoke out against the Great Redwood Trail’s plans to railbank the northern portion of the track, writing in a letter to the board that the county is missing out on the opportunity to use federal infrastructure money to reconnect the local rail to the national system...
  • Local News
    Tiny homes are getting some attention in Mendocino County, with the Board of Supervisors as well as the Fort Bragg city planning commission considering their regulations this week.
  • Local News
    With pension obligation bonds almost paid off, the Board of Supervisors plans to redirect funds to repay the $7 million it borrowed from Measure B to build the new wing of the jail.
The next KZYX Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 at 5pm via zoom.

The zoom link will be posted on our Board Meeting page shortly before the meeting.
Wednesday, May 1
Little River Inn

Oak and Thorn Presents Rachel Hair and Ron Jappy in a benefit concert for KZYX.

Doors open at 6:30PM
Music starts at 7:30PM
After 34 years of community service, KZYX’s signal is threatened by tree growth. We must move the station to continue to operate.
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